Azita Ghahreman

آزیتا قهرمان
باز اگر برخیزم
پشت درختان حیاط ایستاده است
با چلیپایی سبز بر شانه
و گلی سرخ بین دوانگشتش
شباهت به باد می برد
دامنی تاریک از آه رفتگان
و بر پیشانی بلند
سرور بشارت ها
با کدام دست می نوازد؟ه
با کدام زخم می زند؟ه
با چشم های آب به ما می نگرد
و آتش قدم هایش
به کتان لحظه ها می گیرد
بازآمده است
و ریگ های شادی را
به دریچه می کوبد
تا سبوهای ما را
از اشک پر کند.ه

ane brun ~ humming one of your songs
ane brun, real name ane brunvoll is a songwriter, guitarist and vocalist, born in molde, norway in 1976. since 2003 she has recorded six albums, three of which are studio albums, a live dvd and a collection of duets. she has lived in stockholm, sweden since 2001, where she writes, records and runs her own label (balloon ranger recordings) when not on tour. she moved from her home town in 1995 and spent the next few years moving between barcelona, oslo and bergen. ın bergen she began writing her own material while at university (jumping between courses in spanish, law and music) as well as making a living working in record shops and bars. after playing a few minor shows and recording her first demos in bergen in 1999, she moved first to uppsala and then to stockholm in 2001, where she started to take her musical career seriously. (quotation)
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