Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Merce Cunningham


Andy Warhol, “Merce” (1963)

Andy Warhol, “Merce” (1963)

Merce Cunningham ( 1931-2009)

Time and Space Concepts in Music and Visual Art (Part I) (1978)

Merce Cunningham, Nam June Paik & John Cage (1978)

The first of six symposia sponsored by Pleiades Gallery and the Association of Artist-Run Galleries. Dore Ashton moderates discussion on space and time in art with speakers John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Richard Kostelanetz, and Nam June Paik.

This is an excerpt that includes all of Cunningham's and Paik's statements, as well as the general Q&A that followed. Since the sound is really more important the images, the audio is 320 kbs.

This freewheeling symposium taped before a live audience ranges from individual reminiscences to discussion of then-current art community concerns about music, literature, theater, art, dance, video, and technology.

This UbuWeb resource is presented in partnership with Art Torrents
This UbuWeb resource was edited by Stephen McLaughlin

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